Thursday, January 24, 2008

Where I'll be this weekend!


JustAnotherBlogger said...

Anybody there?

Are you still skiing?

Did you get buried in an avalanche?

Anonymous said...

Kraig - dude! I need your home address!! Can you send it to me?

Guess I am not speaking in May eh?

let me know what else is up with you! Nice blog! John

Anonymous said...

Hey from J. B.
I got your entry in my guestbook and I emailed you back did you get it?
Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kraig and Jen-Jen! Just wondering what was new in your life? Thinking the ski trip did not go well, did we get lost or break our fingers??? You have us hooked, now we are hanging! Well, we hope you are doing well.
love ur couz, Amy Jo