Sunday, March 04, 2007

APB (especially for the Dardens!)

Learned something new today. My sister-in-law turned around long enough for her 3-year old to grab the Super Glue and pour it out on his feet! Picture this little boy with great, big globs of greasy, grimey Super Glue all over his feet! Angela immediately scooped him up off of the floor (before he was stuck there to eternity and beyond!), and attempted the tried-and-true method of . . . . . . . acetone! She continued this treatment, despite Evan's cries of "It hurts, Mommy"! until she realized, with a fright, that she was running low on acetone and Evan's toes were still stuck together!!!! My wonderful mother-in-law recommended the Poison Control Center. So, here's what the "experts" recommend in such a situation:
1. DON'T use acetone. It burns (thus the aforementioned cries!).
2. DO soak in vegetable oil for 5 minutes (the super glue covered appendage, not you personally).
3. DO wash with warm, soapy water.
4. Chisel off super glue (please do NOT use a real chisel).

Bill and Barb--please mark this blog for future reference. You KNOW Owen's gonna need this advice!!!


EEEEMommy said...

Ha Ha Ha!
I'm sure Bill & Barb greatly appreciate having this advice plastered on the internet for anyone to read! :)

Bill Darden said...

Copied, linked, printed, and memorized!!!

Scott said...

I'll make a note of this one for myself. I've been out of touch with your blog lately. Glad to see everything is going well and that Kraig's back home. I'm glad you're enjoying your new life as a Chaplain. Sounds a bit like my job in that every day is a little different. Always new challenges. God bless!