Friday, August 18, 2006

Ready, Set, GO!!!!

Okay....I'm losing it!! Or at least I feel like I am! Let me try to fill you in on the last couple weeks before I explain the latest chaos.
Kraig and I felt we needed to take the time to just be together as a family before he left for 5 weeks of training. Se we decided that I would quit working for the Dr.’s the last week of July. This allowed us to "goof-off" and take advantage of the small savings account that we had managed to build. I must say we really did enjoy ourselves!
As usual, Kraig tried to plan out how we would spend our time and money….yea, like that worked! On Tuesday, August 1st we went on a tour of the US Naval Academy, and our tour guide was one of our favorite (not that we have any) youth. He is now in his junior year at the Academy. We had a great time! Although, Sierra did have a rough day, due to her very observant parents. Did you know that shoes that are “a little tight” shouldn’t be worn on long hot walks? And skirts are not the best option for young girls on 100 degree, humid days? The poor chaffed, blistered child barely complained! Anyway, needless to say, she got new shoes the next day.
We spent the next couple of days collecting medical charts, sorting the stuff in the garage, moving boxes, and fixing “stuff” (like a wax toilet seal – YUCK!). Then on Saturday, our awesome friends, threw us a “Going-Away” party at Bob & Val Ham’s pool. We had a blast. I pray that God will continue to bless us with great friends…although it will be a challenge to find any better!!
On Sunday (the 6th), we drove down to Myrtle Beach. (A trip we didn’t even know was an option until the prior Friday (the 4th).) Bill and Barb Darden were fortunate to land week-long vacation in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, house, one-block from the beach for $300. And guess what…they invited us! So, we went. For those who don’t know them, they have 2 boys, Cameron age 6 and Owen age 3. The kids had so much fun…in the water, out of the water, playing in the dirt, back to the water, digging a hole, back to the water, jumping some waves (well, some of us), back to the house for lunch, back to the beach, more swimming, more digging, more sea shells, and then back to the house to see how badly we burned while wearing sunscreen. It was very relaxing and a welcome break from our current chaos.
Now let’s see, that takes us to…the 10th (Thursday). (We got home from the beach late Wednesday.) We spent the whole day making sure Kraig was packed for COT and I don’t really remember what else. Friday we went to King’s Dominion with The Kendig family and Tina Long. We got introduce Tina to real roller coasters!!! I think she is hooked! The Kendigs have 2 girls, Rebecca age 11, and Ashley age 9. Rebecca and her dad, Joe rode the big “bungie, swing, thing”. Of course it was “no biggie”, just a 150 foot drop while attached to two ropes and you have to pull your own “rip cord”! Hmmmmm, don’t think I’ll be doing that any time soon. I’m gonna just stick to roller coasters. Anyway, Ashley was our most timid rider…her favorite….the carousel. However, after much loving encouragement, she agreed to ride the go-carts. We were so VERY PROUD of her! She did great. She even finally smiled while going around the track. The Bowen family also met us at the park late in the afternoon. Sooooooo, in efforts to make the most of the day, and the great company, we all decided to go to the Crackerbarrel for a late supper. (Supper ended up after 10pm.) Kayla almost went to sleep in her mashed potatoes! Sierra was just plain wound up. Either way, they both got very cranky! It was however, a very quiet ride home, except for the snoring noises in the back seat.
Wow, I just realized how long this was. I think I’ll just leave you “hangin” for now. I am tired and I have another long, long list of things to accomplish tomorrow. If your lucky, I won’t forget to fill you in on this week!

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