Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My, My, My....

It has been very busy here while Kraig has been away in Oklahoma. (He went to visit his grandfather.) I don't feel like I have stopped since he left. Although, allergy season tends to put me in a fog. Anyway, he was supposed to come home last night, but instead spent the night at my parents house in Michigan due to a delayed flight. I felt bad for the girls because they woke themselves up earlier this morning to peek in our room to see him. Instead all they got was me, and orders to get ready for school. But, he should be home in time to get them from the bus stop.
As for the USAF, all our paperwork is in and now we are waiting for word that it has the final stamp of approval. Then, we must wait again to find out when and where.
Anyway, in the mean time we are having the house painted (to get ready to sell it). It looks sooooooo much nicer! It's a bummer we have to move now. "Pete the Painter" is a very nice man and seems to enjoy laughing at the silly things my girls do and say. He says they remind him of his grandchildren. He was quite impressed with Kayla because she would not allow him to come into the house to use the bathroom when I was out running an errand. She told him he would have to wait an hour! He kindly understood. She is such an obedient bad she is gonna be a teenager soon.
Speaking of Kayla and has begun. She now seems to have the phone attached to her ear regularly.
And Sierra, well....she told me that she has a "boyfriend" and she "loves" him. Hmmmmmm, don't tell her dad - I don't think he's gonna take it too well.
Well, I will go back to impatiently waiting for the USAF and my husband to return.

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