Saturday, April 01, 2006

Things are getting back to normal somewhat. Kraig is finally looking and feeling better, the girls are taking care of things other than their father, and I am back on Maryland time. Here are just a few things about this week:
**Kraig is scheduled for his physical on Monday (again). We are praying there are no more delays.
**Just in case anyone else was counting...Kraig and I will have been married 12 years on Sunday. My, how the time has flown by.
**Aunt Tambrea & Uncle John's anniversary is also Sunday.
**Kraig will go back to all of his jobs on Tuesday...hopefully it won't kill him.
**Sierra is still toothless.
**We will talk today with one of our former youth, (who is now a real estate agent) AJ Dobson, about selling our house this summer.
**Kayla stayed up until about 6 a.m. this morning at a sleepover, so she's not been a whole lot of help today, understandably.

Life has slowed down for a week, and it's now time for it to pick back up!

Kraig, Jennifer, Kayla, and Sierra

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