Monday, October 31, 2005

And a new chapter begins!

Well, it's finally over! My almost six-year tenure as the Youth Pastor at Lexington Park Baptist Church ends today. We were given a farewell party last night that was very nice. We shall truly miss our friends and the fellowship at LPBC. However, the stress level of working there had truly become too high.

So, what's next? I have an interview with the Wing Chaplain of Andrews Air Force Base tomorrow afternoon. Then, I have to wait for the next Review Board, which will be 11/21. They will let me know very shortly thereafter whether I made it through, or not. After that, I'm handed off to an USAF Recruiter, and he or she will then take me through my physical, background check, etc. I don't know that the timeline is after that. Hopefully, it will happen quickly. Once I know the timeline, I'll then know what kind of job I need to get for the interim.

As for church, I plan to visit several in the area, and my list of churches to visit continues to grow. Right now, I'm up to 9. They range from traditional to seeker-sensitive to post-modern. It should be quite an eclectic trip. I will probably enjoy it more than Jen, because she doesn't like traveling all that much, just so we can go sit for a length of time. However, she'll do it because she loves me. Ain't it great?!

One of our goals is to keep the girls in school until June so they don't have to endure that transition as well. We'll see how that works out.

Here's the thought for the day: "Pray that nothing will satisfy you except serving God."

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