Thursday, September 06, 2007

Need a laugh? Here you go!

I grew up going to a traditional Southern Baptist Church. What does that mean? We almost always sang "Just As I Am" for the invitation (which we had at every service). We always sang verses 1, 3, and 4 of every song, for which we had to stand. For every service, the order was exactly the same. I could hardly WAIT to get to a church service that was different. I finally had that opportunity, some, at my last place of employment with the Contemporary Service. Then, after leaving there, we attended a bonafide Contemporary Service that was WONDERFUL!!! Jen and I thought we were on the way OUT of traditional.

I joined the AF. I was put in charge of the . . . Traditional Service. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh! Not only that, but my new boss wants an even more traditional format!!!! It's killer. But wait--it gets even better!

I have been put in charge of the Liturgical Service at F. E. Warren AFB. What's liturgical? Liturgical, technically, is to have a set order of worship. Indeed, that is the AF definition--we will have a set order of worship. Feel free to look it up in Wikipedia. For those of you aware of what it is, and who know me, I can't imagine a more antithetical service for me to run, can you?

Peace be with you . . . .


Scott said...

...and with you, my friend! Welcome to the Military. Are you sure you don't have a nice Presbyterian or Methodist chaplain who would just love to take over the Liturgical Duties? I'm sure you'll find your roots with no problem, though. So, if YOU'RE doing the Traditional service, WHO is doing the contemporary? Don't tell me that the USAF, in existence for a whopping 60 years, doesn't believe in contemporary worship! Even the tradition-soaked Navy holds contemporary worship services (we've even been heard to sing a few Hillsong choruses once in a while). Seriously, though, I can't wait to hear how the Lord is able to continue to bless others through your service and leadership. Keep it up!

The Shindigs said...

I can think of worse places to serve... Some dry and sandy.


Anonymous said...

what you need to do is look up historical traditions that have not been done for so long that they can now be considered contemporary! just be careful to not be heretical :)
