Saturday, June 03, 2006

Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder..........

Well, it's official...Kraig has been selected for active duty as an USAF Chaplain!!!! Now we are just waiting to get our orders. We are hoping he will go to Commissioned Officer Training (COT) in July. Supposedly, we will know more details in a few weeks. We are VERY EXCITED!
Let's see, now for the rest of the "goings-on" this week. Kraig is still in Oklahoma. His mom was actually speechless when she saw him walk in the door instead of me. She said she didn't know wether to spank him or hug him. It was a cool suprise...and we are ALL impressed that Kraig didn't tell her beforehand. His grandparents are doing as well as could be expected and are enjoying teasing him about not being me (Jen).
The girls are ready for school to be out. But, they are enjoying their last few days as much as possible. Sierra fell on her bike last week and skinned her knee, which wasn't too bad. However, the next day she did it again. It was a pretty good mess. A good sized "road rash". We ended up wrapping it in an ace bandage for 3 days so she could walk and sleep without screaming and crying. I've reminded her that we no longer have insurance so she better be careful. But, I'm not sure it will hinder our little "dare-devil".
Kayla on the other hand has been elated all week long. First, some very generous family members have given her $240 for her plane ticket to Colorado, for horse camp. Now we just have to figure out where we are sending her from. Now, if that wasn't enough to make her week, something else very special happened as well. On Friday, she went to an Awards Assembly. Little did she know, I was there. As if that wasn't suprise enough, she almost cried when they awarded her the top reader in the 5th grade. She got coupons (for local businesses), a bowling trip (during school), and a plaque with her name engraved on the front. It has been an awesome week for her!
As for me, I am trying to get used to this 40 hour, work-week thing. I must say I don't get board there. I'm lucky to get time to breath and use the bathroom. The girls have adjusted to the schedule rather well, and are helping me greatly. I am certainly thankfull to have such awesome children.

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